Young Research Forum - Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science (2021)
Young Research Award of Petrochemistry 2021
Hassan El Dessouky*Hassan El Dessouky, currently works at University of Sheffield Composites Centre, UK, Email:
Published: 16-Apr-2021
Young Researchers Awards: Young Scientist Awards & Best Poster Awards at Petrochemistry and Natural Resources
Conferences Series LLC take great pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to the 10th International Conference on Petrochemistry and Natural Resources during August 19-20, 2021 at Paris, France. This meeting will explore advances in the Petrochemistry and Natural Resources.
The conference will serve as a platform to bring together young scientist, leading scientists, researchers, organizations and all representatives of company sectors with different specialities such as Petrochemistry and Natural Resources. This event is an open forum specifically dedicated for young investigators (i.e. students, PhD candidates and early stage postdocs) working in all fields in the broader area of Petrochemistry and Natural Resources. This forum will not only discuss state-of-the-art science to broaden the scientific knowledge of the participants but allow the young researchers to benefit as well from several specifically designed interactive sessions to advance their own career/ research. In particular, the forum aims to foster the spirit of teamwork among the participants, providing the opportunity to network globally and to establish own professional networks.
The conference will acknowledges those participants and organizations that have remarkably added to the value to scientific community by awarding Young Scientist Awards and Best Poster Awards. Awards provide an opportunity to the participants like outstanding researchers, exceptional graduates or early academicians and organizations to showcase their best research and projects to the world related to the conference theme.
Young Researchers Forum- Young Scientist Awards
It also recognizes who have collectively made unique and significant contributions to the scientific community related to the conference theme. It also provide platform to professional networking with researchers of similar interest from others part of the world and also encourage the participants in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase. The aim of these Award is to inspire, to identify the marvellous work and bring together the participants such as Master/ Ph.D./Post Doctorate and to in the area of Petrochemistry and Natural Resources.
Guidelines for Young Researchers Forum- Young Scientist Awards
Showcase your research through oral presentations. Learn about career development and the latest research tools and technologies in your field. The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other young investigators and established senior investigators across the globe.
Young Scientist (e.g. Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, junior faculty) is the focus of this event. Each individual participant is allowed to submit only one or two paper, it must include at least one co-author (Guide, Professor) None of the authors should have senior position or faculty position. Participants should be below the age of 35 years.
Best Poster Presentation–Best Poster Awards, Petrochemistry and Natural Resources
The Best Poster Award is meant to encourage students in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase. This Award is to highlight good quality posters presented at the Annual Meetings. The Award will be given to the best students, PhD candidates and early stage postdocs. It rewards a combination of excellent research, innovation, and presentation.